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A1層 AI horizon
A2層 A2 horizon
ABC型土 ABC soil
AC型土 AC soil
AG型土 AG soil
Ao層 Ao horizon
Ap層 Ap horizon
A層 A horizon
BC型土壤 B C Soil
B層 B horizon
C層 C horizon
G層 G horizon
H層 H layer
L層 L layer
pF曲線 pF curve
pF值 pF value
pH值 pH Value
U形溝蝕 U-shaped gullying
V式節制壩 V-type check dam
V形溝蝕 V-shaped gulling
V形拖板 V-drag
X線分光分析 X-ray spectrophy
X線繞射分析 X-xayd iffraction method
y次量養分元素, Secondary nutrient element(即 Secondary essential element
安定粒團 Stable aggregate
氨態氮 Ammonieal nitrogen
胺化作用 Aminization
暗 Dark (指Soil colour
暗渠排水 Closed ditch drainage
暗色火山灰土 Ando soil
白堊土 Chalk soil
白毛微法 Cunninghemella plaque test
斑點 Mottling
半定域土 Semizonal soil
半潤度含水量 Moisture content at 50% relative humidity
半沼澤土 Half bog soil (同 Marsh border soil)
榜紋 Streak
剝蝕作用 Exfoliation
保土壩 Soil saving dam
保土調查 Soil conservation survey
保土局 Soil conservation service (U.S.D.A.)
保土作物 soil protective crop
保土作物 Soil conserving crop
飽和度 Degree of saturation
飽和滲透度 Saturated permeability
飽和水流 Saturated flow
鮑氏單位(鮑爾) Baule's unit (haule)
鮑氏生產律 Baule s law of percentage yield
被護作物 Cover crop
崩積層 Colluvium
崩積土 Colluvial soil
邊際地 Manning's formula Marginal Land
變質多米高嶺石 Metahalloysite
表層沖蝕 Sheet erosion
表土 Surface soil
表土截去 Truncation
冰川沈積 Glacial drift
冰積土 Glacial soil
冰沼土 Tundra soil
薄片狀構造 Laminar structure
卜來水化雲母 Bravaisite
不飽和水流 Unsaturated flow
不堅結 Unconsolidated
不自由水 Unfree water
不足供應 Poverty adjustment
殘積土 Residual soil
槽式培段 Channel-type terrace
草地 Grass land
草皮 Sod
草灘腐植土 Marsh soil
草原黑土 Black prairie soil
草原土 Prairie soit
顫動容積 Oscilation volume
超施石灰 Overlim ing
超效水 Superavailable water
超粘粒 Ultra clay
成熟剖面 Mature profile
成土母質 Parent material
成土因數 Soil former
成土作用 Soil forming process
赤道聚鈣土 Equatorial pedoca]
沖積層 Alluvium
沖積扇 Alluvial fan
沖積土 Alluvial soil
沖蝕 Erosion
沖蝕比 Erosion ratio
沖蝕防治 Erosion control
沖蝕性 Erosiveness
沖刷 Scouring
蟲泄 Worm excretion
蟲穴 Mole burrow
出水口 Outlet
初步溝蝕 Incipient gullying (即 Finger gullying)
鋤力作用 Dynamic process
處女土 Virgin soil
穿透度 Penetrability
穿透計 Penetr0meter
垂距 Vertical interval
垂流涵洞壩 Drop inlet dam
次邊際地 Submarginal land
次量要素 Secondary product of weathering
次生礦物 Secondary mineral
次生土 Sedentary soil
次生土 Heterochronogenous soils
次生土粒 Secondary soils (同 Heterochronogenous soils)
次生鹽土 Secondary soil particle
次生磚紅壤 Secondary laterite
粗糙係數 Coefficient of roughness
粗骨土 Skelctal soil
粗管狀 Tubular (指Pore space)
粗砂壤土 Coarse sand loam
粗團率 State of aggregation
脆性 Brittle (指Consistence)
代換性鹽基 Replaceable bases
單杆式霸 Pole type brucn dam
單粒構造 Single grain structure
單粒構造 Primary particle structure
單值測定 Single value determination
淡 Weal (指Soil colour)
淡栗鈣土 Light chestnut coloured soil
氮肥 Ammoniate
氮化細菌 Ammonifving bacteria
氮化作用 Ammonification
氮素循環 Nitrogen cycle
彈性 Elastic (指Consistence)
彈性梳物養分 Elastic plant nutrient
當量鹼度 Equivalent basicity
當量酸度 Equivalent acidity
稻田階段 Paddy terrace
等電點 Isoelectric point
等電點 Amphoteric point (同  Isoeiectric point)
等電沈液 Isoelectric precipitate
等腐植質帶 Isohumus belt
等高川作 Contour listihg
等高耕作 Contour Planting (farming)
等高間栽 Contour strip cropping
等高線 Contour
等高作溝 Contour ridging (同 Contour furrowing)
等高作溝 Contour furrowing
等力 Isodynes
等斜階段 Uniform terrace
低腐植潛水灰壤 Low humic glei soil
狄屯高嶺石 Dickite
底堆石 Ground moraine
底土 Subsoil
地臂沖蝕 Geological erosion
地景 Land scape
地力衰竭 Soil exhaustion
地勢 Relief
地下灌溉 Sub-irregation
地下水 Ground water
地下水位 Ground water table
地形 Topograph
電導測定法 Electro-conductivity method
電解質 Electrolyte
電滲 Electrophoresis (同 Cataphoresis)
電滲 Caraphoresis
電透析 Electrodyalysis
電子顯微法 Electromicroscopy
凋萎點 Wilting point
凋萎係數 Wilting co-efficient
跌水沖蝕 Waterfall erosion
碟狀構造 Platy structure
定位 Orientation
定位吸著 Oriented adsorption
定域土,顧域土 Zonal soil
凍脹計 Dilatometer
動物穴 Animal furrow
豆科楨物 Leguminous plant
犢聚作用 Accumulation
短行 Short row (同 Point row)
短行 Point row
斷鍵水 Broken bond water
對稱濃度 Symmetry concentration
對稱值 Symmetry value
多孔狀 Porous (指 Pore space)
多鋁蒙特石 Bidellite
多鎂蒙特石,皂石 Saponite
多水高嶺石 Hailoysite
多鐵蒙特石,綠高嶺石,矽鐵石 Nontronire
多矽高嶺石 Anauxite
遏渡域 Transitional zone
二層法(機械分析) Two layer method (mechanical analysis)
二電性 Amphoteric character
二甲苯當量 Xylene equivalent
二可性細菌 Faeultntive bacteria
二性膠體 Ampholytoid
礬斑 Alum spot
反附著作用 Negative adsorption
反吸收柞用 Negative absorption
泛域土 Azonal soil
方塊構造 Cubic like structure
防風草帶 Shelter belt
防風間栽 Wind strip cropping
防風林 Wind break
放牧地 Grazing land
放射菌 Actinomycetes
放射性跡示法 Radioactivity tracer technique
非共生好氧性固氮菌 Azotobacter
非共生嫌氧性固氮菌 Closteridimn pasterianum
非交接性陰離子 Non-exchangeable cation
非氣候性成土作用 Aclimatic soil formation
非石灰性土 Non calcarious soil
非微管孔度 Non-capillary porosity
非正常沖蝕 Abnormal erosion (同 Soil erosion)
非正常剖面 Abnormal profile
沸池石複合體 Zeolitic complex
沸泡石 Zeolite
沸泡狀構造 Vesicular structure
分解變質 Katamorphism
分區輪牧法 Rotational grazing
分散 Dispersion
分散比 Dispersion ratio
分散劑 Dispersing agent
分散媒 Dispersion medium
分散體 Dispersoid
分散系 Disperse system
分散相 Dispersed phase
分水渠 Diversion channel
分水線 Divide
玢粒,粉砂 Silt
玢質粘壤土,粉砂粘壤土 Silty clay loam
粉紅 Pink (指Soil colour)
粉質壤土,粉砂壤土 Silty loam
粉狀構造 Pulverulent stucture
風成凸起 Knob
風化次生物 Secondary saline soil
風化度 Degree of weathering
風化作用 Weathering
風積土 Regosol
風積土 Aeolian soil
風蝕 Wiod erosion
風蝕溝 Wind gully
風刷池 Blown out land
蜂巢狀構造 Honey comb structure (即Cellula structure)
夫來潛水灰壤 Vlei soil
浮秤法(機械分析) Hydrometer metnod (mechanical analysis)
複鈣作用 Recalcification
腐枚質 Humus
腐泥土 Muck
腐生 Saprophytic
腐石 Rigolith
腐械質沸池石馥合體 Humus zeolite complex
腐鈾銴g Humus soil
腐棧質聚矽土 Humic siallite
腐鎮質硬磐 Humus ortstien
腐植化有機物 Humified organic matter
腐植化作用 Humification
腐植素 Humin
腐植酸 Humic acid
腐植質灰壤 Humus podzol
腐植質潛水灰壤 Humic glei soil
附著力 Adsorbility
附著作用 Adsorption
副樣本 Subsample
" Mulch
鈣成土 Calcimorphic (Calomorphic) soil
鈣化作用 Calcification
鈣積層 Caliche (同Bca horizon)
鈣積層 Bca horizon
鈣粘土,鈣粘粒 Calc. ium clay
鈣質土 Calcium soil
" Ginger nut
" Gedroizite
竿底層 Plow sole
高嶺石 Kaolinite
高嶺石類 Kaolinites
高嶺土 Kaolin
高嶺土化作用 Kaoiinization
高山腐植土 Alpine humus soil
高山黑鈣土 Mountain chernozem
高山灰化土 Mountain podzolized soil"
高山栗鈣土 Mountain chestnut soil
高山泥炭土 Mountain peat
高山土 Alpine soil
高山涯草原土 Alpine meadow soil
格形礦物 Lattice minerals
根孔 Root hole
根瘤 Root nodule
根瘤菌 Nodule bacteria
根瘤菌 Bacterium radicicola
根瘤細菌 Rhizobium
根溶性 Root soluble
根系 Root system
根域 Root Zone
耕作 Tillage
耕作層 Plowing layer
耕作性 Tilth
共生 Symbiosis
溝堅沖蝕 Gully erosion
溝蝕 Gullying
構造單位 Structure unit
構造剖面 Structural profile
構造形成力 Structural capacity
古土 Fossil soil
古土壤 Relict soil
古土壤 Paleosol (同 Relict soil)
古土壤學 Paleopedology
穀A泥炭土 Niederungsmoor ( 同Fen peat)
穀A泥炭土 Flachmoor (同Fenpeat)
固氮菌 Nitrogen fixing bacteria
固氮菌土盤法 Azotobacter soilplaque technique
固氮作用 Nitrngen fixation
固性 Firm(指onsistence)
關鍵墻段 Key terrace
灌溉 Irrigation
灌林灰壤 Heath podzol
灌林泥炭土 Heath peat
光能硝化作用 Photonitrification
廣域 Macrozone
廣域地勢 Macrorelief
龜土 Adobe soil
國際土質分級 International texture grades
過度放牧 Over grazing
過度武土 Transitional soil
過分消耗 Luxury consumption
海積土 Marine soil
海綿狀 Spongeous (指 Pore space)
海灘沈積 Beach deposit
海洋沈積 Marine deposit
旱境土 Arid soil
旱農制 Dry farming
好熱性細菌 Thermophile bacteria
好氧性細菌 Aerobic bacterial
耗土作物 Soil depleting crop
合成變質 Anamorphism
河岸沖飪 Stream bank erosion
河成土 Fluvial soil
河床沖積土 River wash
核狀構造 Nutty sturcture
核狀沈積 Concretionary deposit
黑鈣土 Chernozem (Tschernozem)
黑鈣土 Black earth ( 同Chernozem)
黑棉土 Regur
黑棉土 Black cotton soil
黑泥炭土 Black turf soil
黑色石灰岩土 Rendzina
黑微法 Aspergillus niger method
橫插式阻刷壩 Crosswise brush type dam
橫帶間裁 Strip cropping
橫渠 Transverse channel
洪積層 Deluvium
紅漠鈣土 Red desert soil
紅壤 Red loam
紅壤 Lateritic soil
紅壤化作用 Laterization
紅色草原土 Red prairie soil
紅色栗鈣土 Reddish chestnut earth
紅色石灰岩土 Terra rossa
紅棕鈣土 Reddish brown soil
紅棕色紅壤 Reddish brown leteritic soil
後矽作用 Resilisification
湖成泥炭土 Lacustrine peat
湖成沈積 Lacustrine deposit
湖成磚紅壤 Lake latefite
湖積土 Lacustrine soil
互接種族 Cross inoculation group
互沈激理論 Mutual precipitation theory
護膜膠體 Dopplerite
滑 Slick (指 Consistence)
滑崩 Slumping (同Slip)
滑崩 Slip
滑崩沖蝕 Slip erosion
化學性風化作用 Chemical weathering
化學性剖面 Chemical profile
化育性土類 Genetic soil type
化育因數 Genetic factor
還積土 Transported soil
還原作用 Regradation
緩動草帶 Buffer strip
緩動能量 Buffer capacity
緩動曲線 Buffer curve
緩動作用 Buffer action
黃壤 Yellow earth
黃色准灰壤 Yellow podzolic soil
黃土 Loess
黃棕色紅壤 Yellowish brown lateritic soil
灰分 Ash
灰鈣土 Sierozem
灰鈣土 Grey soil (同 Sierozem)
灰鈣土 Gray earth
灰化層 PodzOlized horizon
灰化紅黃壤,紅黃准灰壤 Reddish yellow podzolic soil
灰化土壤 Podzolized soil
灰化作用 Podzolization
灰黃色 Grayish yellow
灰壤 Podzol
灰色 Gray
灰色森林土 Gray forest soil
灰色准灰壤 Gray podzolic (wooded) soil
灰棕准灰壤,灰棕壤 Gray brown podzolic soil
混凝土節制壩 Concret dam
活性酸度 Acidity,active
火山土 Volcanic soil
基層 Substratum
機械分部 Mechanical separate
機械分析 Mechanical analysis
機械洗出作用 Mechanical eluviation
機械組成 Mechanical composition
積水 Water logging
極細砂 Very fine sand
集流時間 Time of concentration
集水面積 Drainage area
寄生 Parasitic
加速沖蝕 Accelerated erosion (同Soil erosion)
鉀鈉風化比 Shifting value
假比重 Apparent specific gravity
假比重 Apparent density (lg] Apparent specifi gravity)
假粒團 False aggregate
堅結 Indurated (指Consistence)
堅結物質 Consolidated material
監生植物 Halophytic vegetation
監育土 Halogenic (Halomorphic) soil
剪斷力 Shear
鹼班 Alkali spot
鹼度 Alkalinity
鹼土 Solonetz
鹼土 Black alkali soil (同 Solonetz)
鹼土 Alkali soil
鹼土(匈牙利名) Szik soil
鹼土化作用 Solonization
鹼土化作用 Atkalization
鹼土退化作用 Solotization
鹼性濕草原土 Alkaline meadow soil
鹼性土 Alkaline soil
漸斜階段 Variable grade terrace
降水強度 Rainfall intensity
降水強度頻率曲線 Rainfall intensity frequency curve
降水效力指數 P-E index
交換常數 Exchange constant
交換恒溫式 Exchange isotherm
交換能量 Exchangeable capacity
交換性氣 Exchangeable hydrogen
交換性酸度 Acidity,exchangeable
交換性鹽基 Exchangeable bases
交換性陰離子 Exehangeableanion
膠結 Cementation (指 Consistence)
膠結劑 Cementing agent
膠粒 Colloidal particle
膠略水 Gel water"
膠溶化 Peptize
膠溶劑 Peptizing agent
膠溶作用 Peptization
膠態複合體 Colloidal complex
膠體酸基 Acidoid
膠體鹽基 Basoid
膠粘粒 Colloidal clay
攪動剖面 Disturbed profile
接觸交換 Contact exchange
接種 Inoculation
接種劑 Inoculant
結合水 Combined water
結核 Concretion
結晶體 Crystalloid
結皮 Crust
結皮性土 Crust soil
節制壩 Check dam
截頭剖面 Truncated profile
截頭土壤 Truncated soil
截泄溝 Diversion ditch (channel)
截泄培段 Drainage-type terrace
截泄墻硬 Interception and diversion-type terrace (同 Drainagetype terrace)
頡抗作用 Antagonism
介面 Interface
緊 Tight (指Consistence)
勁性 Stiff(指Consistence)
徑流 Rua-off
徑流係數 Run-off coefficient
淨耘作物 Clean cultivated (tilled) crop
靜力固性 Static rigidity
靜止角 Angle of repose
巨構造 Macrostruct'ure
巨量養分 Macronutrient
聚鈣土,鈣層土 Pedocal
聚鋁風化作用 Allitic weathering
聚鋁鐵土 Lixivium
聚鋁鐵土,淋餘土 Pedaifer
聚鋁土 Allitc
聚矽風化 Siallitic weathering
聚矽土 Sialtitic soil
聚矽土 Siallite
鋸屑狀構造 Mulch structure
菌根 Mycorhiza
抗生作用 Antibiosis
可分離性 Detatchability
可蝕性 Efodibility
可塑性 Plasticity
可移運性 Transportability
空粘上 Heavy clay
孔度 Porosity
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